5 Podcasts You Should Listen To
1. Smart Creative Women: This is the Podcast that was kind of my gateway drug into these other types of podcasts. I love listening to how other creative individuals got where they are in their business pursuits. Monica Lee interviews other Smart Creative Women in her podcast. I love this one because when she interviews people who I put up on a pedestal it makes them seem more like "normal people" like me and makes me believe that if they can achieve big goals, then I can too!
2. SeanWes Podcast: This is hands down my favorite creative business podcast. The value and information he provides is gold! I always feel so motivated after listening to his podcast. If you subscribe to any that I recommend, this is the one you need.
3. The Lively Show: I have never met Jess Lively, but I'm positive she and I would be great friends. She is fun to listen to, the sound quality is clear, and she focuses on being uplifting and adding intention to your every day. THIS interview with Brooke White made me cry. So GOOD.
4. Smart Passive Income: I am pretty new to this one, but so far so good. I love how down to earth Pat Flynn is. His has a similar format as the others.
5. Elise Gets Crafty: Okay. This one I like, but I am not head over heels in love with. The sound quality is not great, and sometimes the word totally is overused... but if you can get past that, there is some value here and is worth a listen!
BONUS: Serial. (First of all. This one does not fall into the inspiring and uplifting category. But it is so interesting!) I'm sorry, but if you haven't listened to Serial, do it. I was really skeptical because of the premise, but it was actually really fascinating. I will warn you, there is some strong language every once in awhile, but you will not regret listening to it one bit. I listened to the whole thing in about 2 days. I was hooked!
Which podcasts do you listen to?
I'll have to look into these. I loooooove Smart Passive Income. If you like him, you've GOT to listen to the Chalene Show. She's amazing. Just binge on her show ASAP.